Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

11.  Which of the following hydrocarbon series are almost absent in crude petroleum?
A. Paraffins B. Naphthenes
C. Aromatics D. Olefins

12.  Which of the following is a nitrogen compound?
A. Quinoline B. Ethyl mercaptan
C. Naphthenic acid D. Tetra ethyl lead

13.  Sedimentary rocks are
A. porous B. rough
C. hard D. brittle

14.  Armatics are desirable in
A. kerosine to improve smoke point B. high speed diesel oil to improve centane number
C. gasoline to improve octane number D. none of the above

15.  Which of the following is an oxygen compound?
A. Naththenic acid B. Indole
C. Pyrrole D. Methyl mercaptan

16.  The nature of Bombay High crude oil is
A. paraffinic B. intermediate
C. Naphthenic acid D. none of the above

17.  The characterization factor (K) for Ankleshwar crude oil is about
A. 1.2 B. 120
C. 12 D. 21

18.  Mercaptans are low boiling
A. sulphur compounds B. oxygen compounds
C. nitrogen compounds D. organometallic compounds

19.  Mercaptans
A. are low boiling oxygen compounds B. are desirable in gasoline
C. decrease the octane number of gasoline D. are not corrosive

20.  Which of the following products contains minimum sulphur?
A. Naphtha B. Kerosine
C. High speed diesel oil D. Furnace oil

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