Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

121.  The conductivity of a crude oil-water mixture depends on the
A. temperature B. percentage of water
C. pH D. all of the above

122.  The conductivity of a crude oil-water mixture
A. remains unaffected with change in temperature B. increases with increase in temperature
C. decreases with increase in temperature D. may decrease or increase with increase in temperature depending on the nature of crude oil

123.  The conductivity of a mixture of crude oil-water mixture
A. is independent of the amount of water present B. decreases with increase in the amount of water
C. increases with increase in the amount of water D. decreases linearly with increase in the amount of water

124.  The feedstock for the catalytic reforming unit is
A. naphtha B. high speed diesel oil
C. kerosine D. reduced crude oil

125.  The operation of reactors used in the catalytic reforming of naphtha is favoured at
A. low pressure and low temperature B. high pressure and high temperature
C. low pressure and high temperature D. high pressure and low temperature

126.  The monometallic catalyst used in the catalytic reforming of naphthas is
A. Pt B. Ni
C. Fe D. V2O5

127.  The bi-metallic catalysts used in the catalytic reforming of naphthas permit aromatics crerating reactions to occur with a minimum of hydrocracking of paraffins and naphthenes. The bi-metallic catalysts contain
A. platinum and nickel B. nickel and vanadium
C. platinum and rhenium D. rhenium and rhodium

128.  In the catalytic reforming of naphtha the dehydrogenation of naphthenes gives hydrogen and
A. paraffins B. aromatics
C. branched chain paraffins D. none of the above

129.  The desirable reactions in the catalytic reforming of naphtha are
A. slightly exothermic B. endothermic
C. autocatalytic D. highly exothermic

130.  Which of the following reactions is undesirable in the catalytic reforming of naphthas?
A. Hydrocracking of paraffins B. Dehydrogenation of naphthenes
C. Isomerization of naphthenes D. Cyclization of paraffins

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