Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

111.  Which of the following impurities in the crude petroleum is the most prolific producer of HCI during distillation?
A. Sodium chloride B. Magnesium chloride
C. Calcium chloride D. Potassium chloride

112.  Which of the following impurities in the crude petroleum is an oleophobic?
A. Ethyl mercaptan B. Naphthenic acid
C. Pyridine D. Sodium chloride

113.  Which of the following impurities in the crude petroleum is an oleophilic?
A. Sodium chloride B. Naphthenic acid
C. Sand D. Finely dispersed water

114.  The presence of oleophilic impurities in the crude petroleum causes
A. corrosion in the crude distillation unit column overhead system B. erosion of crude petroleum pumps
C. fouling of heat transfer surfaces D. all of the above

115.  Salt content of the desalted crude oils may be where ptb stands for pounds of salts measured as sodium chloride per thousand barrel
A. 3 ptb B. 50 ptb
C. 100 ptb D. 200 ptb

116.  Electrical desalting of crude petroleum is done for
A. the removal of oleophilic impurities only B. the removal of oleophobic impurities only
C. the removal of both oleophilic and oleophobic impurities D. the purposes other than the removal of oleophobic or oleophilic impurities

117.  The operating pressure in kgf/cm2 of electrical desalters is about
A. 10 B. 1
C. 0.7 D. 50

118.  The voltage required for good desalting of curde petroleum is approximately
A. 1000 volts per inch of distance between electrodes B. 2000 volts per inch of distance between electrodes
C. 3000 volts per inch of distance between electrodes D. 4000 volts per inch of distance between electrodes

119.  The water in volume per cent used in the electrical desalting of crude oils varies normally between
A. 3 and 8 B. 20 and 30
C. 10 and 15 D. 15 and 20

120.  The temperature maintained in the electrical desalters is normally in the range of
A. 200 to 220?C B. 120 to 130?C
C. 40 to 50?C D. 250 to 275?C

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