Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

101.  Which of the following types of crude petroleum is the most suitable for the manufacture of bitumen?
A. Naphthenic B. intermediate
C. Paraffinic D. Bitumen cannot be manufactured from crude petroleum

102.  Hydrocracking is a
A. high pressure and low temperature process B. low pressure and high temperature process
C. low pressure and low temperature process D. high pressure and high temperature process

103.  Which of the following processes consumes hydrogen?
A. Fluid catalytic cracking process B. Hydrocracking process
C. Visbreaking process D. Propane deasphalting process

104.  Which of the following processes is used to manufacture petroleum coke?
A. Visbreaking B. Delayed coking
C. Hydrocracking D. Fluid catalytic cracking

105.  GASOHOL is a mixture of petrol and
A. water B. ethyl alcohol
C. kerosine D. high speed diesel oil

106.  Ash forming consitituents present in crude petroleum are
A. sulphur compounds B. nitrogen compounds
C. oxygen compounds D. organometallic compounds

107.  Which of the following compounds is used in antiknock compositions to prevent the deposition of oxides of lead on spark plug combustion chamber and exhaust line?
A. Methyl tertiary butyl ether B. Ethylene dibromide
C. Ethyl mercaptan D. Armyl nitrate

108.  Which of the following hydrocarbons present in gasoline are prone to gum formation?
A. Paraffins B. Naphthenes
C. Olefins D. Isoparaffins

109.  Which of the following is/are used as antioxidant in gasoline?
A. Phenols B. Alcohols
C. Halogenated hydrocarbons D. Amyl nitrate

110.  Which of the following is / are used as anticing compounds?
A. Alcohols B. Amyl nitrate
C. Tetra ethyl lead D. Ethyl mercaptan

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