Engineering :: Mass Transfer

61.  The ratio of the actual equilibrium partial pressure of a component to the ideal value is called
A. activity coefficient B. turbdown ratio
C. relative volatility D. fugacity

62.  Azeotropes
A. are mixtures with constant boiling point at the specified pressure B. obey Raoults law at all temperature
C. are mixtures of partially miscible liquids D. none of the above

63.  Which one of the folliwing systems does not form azeotrope at 1 atm ?
A. Ethanol-water B. Benzene-toluene
C. Hydrochloric acid-water D. Acetone-chloroform

64.  An azeotropic mixture of two liquids has boiling point lower than either of them when it
A. shows no deviation from Raoults law B. shows positive deviation from Raoults law
C. shows negative deviation from Raoults law D. is saturated

65.  An azeotropic mixture of two liquids has boiling point higher than either of them when it
A. is saturated B. shows negative deviation from Raoults law
C. shows positive deviation from Raoults law D. shows no deviation from Raoults law

66.  Which of the following is the most important to separate a mixture of two volatile liquids by distillation?
A. Solubility B. Relative volatility
C. Density difference D. Selectivity

67.  At the azeotropic composition of a binary mixture the relative volatility is
A. 0 B. ?
C. 1 D. < 1

68.  Which of the following systems is an example of minimum boiling azeotrope at 1 atm?
A. Carbon disulphide-acetone B. Ethanol-water
C. Benzene-ethanol D. Acetone-chloroform

69.  The relative volatility of aomponent A relative to component B is equal to the ratio of vapour pressure of component A to vapour pressure of component B at the existing temperature if
A. the total pressure is 1 atm B. the liquid phase behaves as an ideal solution
C. the vapour phase behaves as an ideal gas D. both the liquid phase and vapour phase are ideal

70.  The ethanol-water azeotrope at 1 atm occurs at
A. 89.4 mole per cent ethanol and 78.2?C B. 89.4 mole per cent water and 78.2?C
C. 96.0 mole per cent ethanol and 78.2?C D. 96.0 mole per cent ethanol and 100?C

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