Engineering :: Fertilizer Technology

21.  Which of the following process is used for the commercial production of nitric acid?
A. NaNO3 + H2SO4 process B. Ammonia oxidationin process
C. Passing air through an electric are D. None of these answers

22.  Raw materials for the manufacture of nitric acid are
A. anhydrous ammonia and air B. air and water
C. air and steam D. anhydrous ammonia and water

23.  The catalyst used in the manufacture of nitric acid by ammonia oxidation process is
A. Ni B. Fe
C. V2O5 D. Pt-Rh alloy

24.  The concentration of the nitric acid produced by the oxidation of ammonia and absorption of nitrogen oxides with water is about
A. 95 wt. % B. 57-60 wt. %
C. 100 wt. % D. 75 wt. %

25.  Concentration of the nitric acid from 60 to 95% can be done by
A. rectification with 93% HCl B. adding 70-75% Mg (NO3)2 solution with 60% HNO3
C. distilling at 1 atm D. all of the above

26.  Fuming nitric acid is
A. hot concentrated HNO3 B. concentrated HNO3 containing dissolved NO2
C. the purest form of HNO3 D. a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and concentrated HCI

27.  Urea is a
A. nitrogenous fertilizer B. Phosphatic fertilizer
C. potassic fertilizer D. mixed fertilizer

28.  The percentage of nitrogen in urea is about
A. 38.4 wt. % B. 46 wt. %
C. 59.1 wt. % D. 61.3 wt. %

29.  The chemical formula of urea is

30.  The principal raw materials for the manufacture of urea are
A. CO2 and NH3 B. CO2 and HNO3
C. CO and NH3 D. CO2 and N2

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