Engineering :: Fertilizer Technology

101.  C/H ration (by weight) of light naphtha is about
A. 1 B. 6
C. 25 D. 12

102.  Which one of the following is used to manufacture ammonia synthesis gas from natural gas?
A. Steam reforming B. Partial oxidation
C. Electrolysis D. Thermal pyrolysis

103.  Which one of the following is used to manufacture ammonia synthesis gas from fuel oil?
A. Electrolysis B. Steam reforming
C. Partial oxidation D. Hydrocracking

104.  Ammonia synthesis gas is manufactured from coal by low pressure coal
A. gasification B. dehydrogenation
C. hydrogenation D. hydration

105.  The feedstock (s) for the manufacture of ammonia synthesis gas is/are
A. light naphtha B. water
C. coal D. all of the above

106.  The steam/carbon ration is defined as the mols of steam fed per atom of carbon present as hydrocarbon in the feed. The usual steam/carbon ration used in the steam reforming of naphtha in industry is about
A. 1 B. 3.5
C. 15 D. 25

107.  In the steam-naphtha reforming process the reaction temperature must be maintained in the range of
A. 150-250?C B. 250-450?C
C. 700-1000?C D. 1800-2000?C

108.  The catalyst used in the steam-naphtha reforming process is
A. vanadium pentaoxide on an alumina support B. nickel oxide on an alumina support with MgO or Cr2O3 as promoters
C. zeolite D. aluminium

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