Entry Test MCQ :: Kingdom Monera

31.  E. coli and example of
A. Aerobic bacteria B. Anaerobic bacteria
C. Facultative bacteria D. Microaerophilic

32.  Spirochete is an example of
A. Aerobic bacteria B. Anaerobic bacteria
C. Facultative bacteria D. Microaerophilic

33.  Sex pili is formed in which of the following processes:
A. Binary fission B. Mitosis
C. Sexual reproduction D. Conjugation

34.  Rapid growth at exponential ration occurs in which phase of bacterial growth:
A. Lag phase B. Log phase
C. Stationary phase D. Death / decline phase

35.  Chemical substances used on living tissues that inhibit the growth of micro organism are called
A. Antiseptics B. Disinfectants
C. Antibiotics D. Vaccines

36.  Who developed the vaccine against anthrax?
A. Louis Pasteur B. Edward Jennar
C. Leuvenhoek D. Alexander Fleming

37.  Cyanobacteria have _____ cell wall
A. Gram +ve. B. Gram - ve.
C. Acid fast D. Cellulose rich

38.  Which of the following help cyanobacteria to locomote?
A. Flagella B. Gas vesicles
C. Both of these D. None of these

39.  Cyanobacteria reproduce by:
A. Binary fission B. Mitosis
C. Meiosis D. Conjugation

40.  Approximately _____ species of bacteria are known to cause diseases in humans.
A. 100 B. 200
C. 300 D. 400

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