Entry Test MCQ :: Kingdom Monera

21.  Cell wall is absent in
A. Cocci B. Bacilli
C. Mycobacterium D. Mycoplasma

22.  Cell wass of Archaeobacteria does not contain
A. Peptidoglycan B. Proteins
C. Glycoproteins D. Polysaccharides

23.  Gram positive bacteria appear
A. Purple B. Red
C. Pink D. Blue

24.  Extremely long molecule of DNA that is tightly folded to fit inside the cell component is called
A. Nucleus B. Chromosome
C. Chromatid D. Chromatin body

25.  Which of the following contains genes for drug and disease resistance in bacteria?
A. Necleotide B. Plasmid
C. Mesosome D. Ribosome

26.  The common waste material in bacteria is
A. Glycogen B. Lactic acid
C. Ammonia D. Urea

27.  Example of bacteria requiring low concentration of oxygen is
A. Campylobactor B. spirocheta
C. E-coli D. Pseudomonas

28.  Purple non-sulphur bacteria is an example of
A. Heterotrophic bacteria B. Chemosynthetic bacteria
C. Photosynthetic bacteria D. Saprotrophic bacteria

29.  Those bacteria which are fully dependent upon their host for nutrition are called
A. Heterotrophic bacteria B. Chemosynthetic bacteria
C. Saprophytic bacteria D. Parasitic bacteria

30.  Nitrifying bacteria are the examples of
A. Hetrotrophic bacteria B. Chemosynthetic bacteria
C. Saprophytic bacteria D. Parasitic bacteria

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