Entry Test MCQ :: Evolution

21.  If all members of a population are homozygous for the same allele, that allele is said to be
A. Fixed in gene pool B. Mobile in gene pool
C. Random in gene pool D. Stationary in gene pool

22.  According to Hardy-Weinberg theorem, frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population's gene pool remain
A. Mobile B. Stationary
C. Constant D. Constant unless acted upon by agents other than sexual recombination

23.  The ultimate source of all changes is
A. Mutation B. Migration
C. Genetic drift D. Selection

24.  Disturbance in the gene pool is created by
A. Emigration B. Immigration
C. Both a and b D. Panmigration

25.  Change in the frequency of alleles at a locus that occurs by chance is
A. Multation B. Selection
C. Non-random mating D. Genetic drift

26.  Which of the following organs serve no apparent purpose
A. Vestigial organs B. Non vestigial organs
C. Homologous organs D. Analogous organs

27.  Which of the following precesses had resulted in the production of different breeds of domestic dogs and pigeons?
A. Natural selection B. Cross breeding
C. Artificial selection D. Self breeding

28.  Which of the following is not vestigial organ of man?
A. Appendix B. Coccyx
C. Nictitating membrane D. None of these

29.  Concept of evolution was first presented by
A. Aristotle B. Lamarck
C. Darwin D. Wallace

30.  If we consider Hardy-Weinberg law, then following is incorrect in its sense
A. Mutations cause changes in genetic frequency B. Migration changes allelic frequency
C. There should not be selection D. Non-random mating will reduce chances of evolution

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