CSS Solved Papers
Physics Chemistry

Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

  Although many alien sightings have been claimed by people of doubtful reliability there have been a significant number of sightings by intelligent people. It is reasonable therefore to assume that aliens exist and that they usually come to the earth. All of the following if true would severely weaken the conclusion of the argument above EXCEPT.
[A]. Even people who are normally honest may lie on occasion.[B]. There is no demonstrable correlation between intelligence and honesty.
[C]. A good reputation is not assurance of accurate eyesight.[D]. Highly intelligent people are often more imaginative than others.
[E]. Those who believe in aliens are likely to interpret any ambiguous or inexplicable sight as an alien sighting.    

Answer: Option B


The argument based on underlying assumption that intelligent people are honest. Choice B creates a doubt in the underlying assumption.

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