CSS Solved Papers
Physics Chemistry

Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

  The Rawalpindi city council started a publicity campaign for convincing the people to use public transport rather than their own transport in the city. After two months later there was a decrease in private transport on the roads in the mid city area. The city council claimed that their publicity campaign was successful to convince people to leave their cars at home and ride the city bus service to work. Which of the following if true creates the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
[A]. There was a subsequent increase in the use of CNG.[B]. The busiest roads of the city have been damaged because of continual floods in Nala Leyee for last five months
[C]. People are busy enough to bring their vehicles on the roads[D]. City council expended a lot of money to make the campaign successful

Answer: Option B


City councils claim that it is the result of their campaign that people are using public transport will be shaken if we give an alternative reason of the result. Choice B presents a good alternative reason.

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