Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

61.  Think of a number double it and add 15. If the result is 81 find the number.
A. 30 B. 32
C. 33 D. none

62.  Think of a number . Divide it by 4 and add 9 to it. If the result is 15 what is number?
A. 20 B. 22
C. 24 D. 25

63.  A man travels 2 miles turns left & travels another 4 miles & then turns right travels yet another mile. How far is he from starting point?
A. 3 miles B. 5 miles
C. 7 miles D. 9 miles

64.  If 20th of February of a leap year falls two days preceding a Saturday what day of the week will dawn on 3rd of next March?
A. Tuesday B. Wednesday
C. Friday D. None

65.  Reaching a party day before yesterday I found myself two days late. If day after tomorrow is Friday. On what day was the party scheduled to be held?
A. Sunday B. Monday
C. Saturday D. Thursday

66.  What member when multiplied by itself remains one short of half a century
A. 6 B. 7
C. 8 D. 9

67.  The old mans son is my sons uncle. What is the old man to me?
A. Brother B. Father
C. Son D. None

68.  If the day that dawned on the day following day before yesterday was Monday what day of the week will dawn day after tomorrow.
A. Sunday B. Monday
C. Thursday D. Friday

69.  A man faces North & covers 7 km turns West and covers 2 km then turns South and covers 4 km and turns West and covers 2 km. How far is he from starting point.
A. 5 km B. 15 km
C. 20 km D. 2 km

70.  If your doctor gave you three pills and told you to take one every half an hour how long would they last.
A. 1/2 hour B. 1 hour
C. 1 D. 2 hours

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