Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

51.  A race started at 9:00 hours the second winner took 10 minutes more than the first and arrived at the goal at 9:55 hours. How much time (in minutes) did the first winner take?
A. 40 B. 45
C. 50 D. 55

52.  A man starts from the village temple in the direction of East. After walking 8 miles he turns to left. After walking another 3 miles he again turns to left.Now after walking 4 miles how far away he would be from the temple.
A. 5 miles B. 4 miles
C. 6 miles D. 11 miles

53.  A tells B that the old man is the father of the lady by his side. The lady is the wife of A and the old man is grandpa of B what is the relation between A & B.
A. Brothers B. Son & father
C. Father & Son D. None

54.  A watch gains 12 seconds every three hours. What time will it show at 12:00 NOON On Tuesday if it is set right at 3:00 PM on Sunday
A. 12:15PM B. 12:12AM
C. 12:06AM D. 12:00AM

55.  A and B start walking in opposite directions. A walked 2 miles & B3 miles. Then each turned right & walked 4 miles. Then they turned right. A walked 3 & B 2 miles. How far distant apart are they at the end?
A. 5 miles B. 7 miles
C. 8 miles D. 10 miles

56.  A child was accompanying a woman. On being asked who the boy was the woman said His mother was the only daughter of my mother. How has the boy related to the woman?
A. Son B. Brother-in-law
C. Nephew D. None

57.  The 15th of the month falls on the day preceding Sunday on what day will the 6th of the month fall?
A. Friday B. Saturday
C. Thursday D. Sunday

58.  A man travels 7 miles eastwards. Then turns right & travels three miles & again turns right & travels 11 miles. How far is he from starting point?
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20

59.  Reaching a place of meeting on Wednesday at 10 minutes to 11:45 AM I found myself 15 minutes earlier then the man who was three quarters of an hour late. What was the scheduled time of meeting?
A. 11:30 B. 11:15
C. 11:05 D. 11:07

60.  A girl accompanied a woman. On being asked who the girl was the woman replied. She is the daughter of the wife of my mothers only son. How was the girl related to woman?
A. Daughter B. Niece
C. Sister D. None

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