Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

41.  My mother is sister of your brother. What an I to you?
A. Cousin B. Nephew
C. Uncle D. Brother

42.  It would be Thursday two days after tomorrow. What was two days before yesterday?
A. Saturday B. Monday
C. Friday D. Wednesday

43.  Five bags are lying in a pile one above the other. Af A is above B C is above D but below E and D is above A which bag is in the middle.
A. Daughter B. E
C. A D. B
E. C    

44.  Mr. Moeen introduced a girl to his friend and said Her mother is the only daughter of my Mother-in-law. What is that girl to Mr. Moeen?
A. Mother B. Wife
C. Daughter D. Cousin

45.  A man starts climbing a Hill. Every minute he ascends 20 yard but slips down 5 yards. How long will he take to ascend a point 80 yards high?
A. 5 minutes B. 5 minutes 20 seconds
C. 6 minutes D. 6 minutes 30 seconds

46.  In a cage there are Rabbits and Pigeons. They have 20 heads and 48 feet. How many Rabbits are there?
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6

47.  In a class of 33 the boys out-number the girls by 7. How many girls are there.
A. 13 B. 14
C. 15 D. 16

48.  Your father says I have four sons. But you say I have only three brothers. Who is wrong?
A. Father B. Son
C. Both D. None

49.  An insect begins climbing a wall 12 feet high at 10:30 AM. Every minute it ascends 1 ft. But slips 6 inches. At what time will it reach the top?
A. 10:50 B. 10:51
C. 10:52 D. 10:53

50.  A is the father of B but B is not A daughter. Establish relationship of B with A.
A. Son B. Nephew
C. Daughter D. None

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