Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

31.  A child was accompanying a girl on being asked who the girl was the man said. His father was the only son of my father. What was the girl to man?
A. Daughter B. Sister
C. Mother D. Niece

32.  Seen through a mirror the arms of a clock show 9:30 what is the actual time.
A. 3:30 B. 6:30
C. 6:10 D. 2:30

33.  What is that which comes once in June and July but twice in August
A. Rainy season B. Season of mangoes
C. Holidays in school D. The letter U

34.  A said to B My mother gave birth to a child who was neither my brother nor my sister. Can you guess who was the child?
A. A B. Brother-in-law
C. A brother D. B sister

35.  If 7th of the month falls two days after Wednesday. What day of the week will procede the 18th of month?
A. Monday B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday D. Friday

36.  Abdullahs mother is sister of Ajmals brother. What is Abdullah to Ajmal?
A. Nephew B. Uncle
C. Father D. Brother in law

37.  A man begins climbing a Hill. Every minute he ascends 15 yards but slips 2 yards. How long will he take to ascend a point 91 yards high?
A. 6 minutes B. 7 minutes
C. 8 minutes

38.  Point A is South of point B and point B is West of Point C. To which direction is point A w.r.t C.
A. South-East B. North-West
C. South-West D. South

39.  The day that will come two days after tomorrow will be Thursday. What was the day that Dawned two days before yesterday.
A. Wednesday B. Thursday
C. Friday D. Monday

40.  An insect starts climbing a wall 11 ft. high at 10.00AM. Every minute it ascends 1 ft. but descend 6 inches. At what time will it reach the top?
A. 10:19AM B. 10:20AM
C. 10:21AM D. 10:22AM

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