Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

21.  A person travels 10 KM from North towards East. Then he moves 6 KM towards West. Finally he covers 8 KM towards the starting point. How far is the person from the starting point?
A. 5 B. 14
C. 15 D. 0

22.  A man pointing to Abdullah said I have no brother or sister but that mans father is my fathers son. What is he to Abdullah?
A. Father B. Son
C. Brother D. Grand Father

23.  A soldier drove eastward for 4 miles then drove North for 5 miles then turned to his left and drove for 1 mile and again turned to his left. Which choice gives the direction in which he was driving now.
A. South B. West
C. North D. East

24.  If a cloud is called white white is called rain. Rain is called green green is called air air is called blue and blue is called water in what do the birds fly?
A. Cloud B. Air
C. Blue D. Rain
E. Water    

25.  A mango tree is as tall as a coconut tree. A banana tree is shorter than a palm tree. A guava tree is shorter than the banana tree but taller than mango tree which is the tallest?
A. Mango B. Guava
C. Coconut D. Palm
E. None    

26.  My son Ali is three times as old as his sister, but in two-year times he will be only twice as old. How old were the children.
A. 6 2 B. 6 3
C. 3 6 D. 6 5

27.  A soldier travels 2 miles due East then 6 miles due South then 1 mile due East and finally 10 miles due North. How far is he from starting point.
A. 10 miles B. 8 miles
C. 5 miles D. 2 miles

28.  11th of April falls two days after day after tomorrow that is Tuesday then on what day will the last day of the month April occurs.
A. Thursday B. Saturday
C. Sunday D. Monday

29.  A is without sons and brothers but the father of B is A fathers son. What is B to A?
A. Daughter B. Sister
C. Son D. Wife

30.  Afzal went to attend a meeting on Thursday. On reaching the place he came to know that he was 3 days earlier than the scheduled day. If he had reached there on the coming Monday how many days late he would have been?
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 6

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