Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

11.  Although many alien sightings have been claimed by people of doubtful reliability there have been a significant number of sightings by intelligent people. It is reasonable therefore to assume that aliens exist and that they usually come to the earth. All of the following if true would severely weaken the conclusion of the argument above EXCEPT.
A. Even people who are normally honest may lie on occasion. B. There is no demonstrable correlation between intelligence and honesty.
C. A good reputation is not assurance of accurate eyesight. D. Highly intelligent people are often more imaginative than others.
E. Those who believe in aliens are likely to interpret any ambiguous or inexplicable sight as an alien sighting.    

12.  Ali and Nadeem are brothers. Maria & Mariam are sisters. If Ali's son is Mariams brother then what is the relation of Nadeem to Maria?
A. Brother B. Uncle
C. Niece D. Cousin

13.  If the same quantity is added to both the numerator & denominator of a proper fraction the value of new fraction is:
A. Same as the value of original fraction B. One greater than the value of original fraction
C. less than the value of original fraction D. Greater than the value of original fraction

14.  P the daughter of K is married to G. X and G are brothers on the basis of this information tell how P is relaed to G.
A. Daughter B. wife
C. cousin D. sister
E. niece    

15.  There are some pigeons and hares in a zoo. If heads are counted these are 200. If legs are counted they are 580. The number of hares in the zoo are:
A. 50 B. 150
C. 90 D. 120

16.  If the day that rose on the day following day before yesterday was Tuesday then what day of the week will rise day after tomorrow?
A. Friday B. Saturday
C. Sunday D. Monday

17.  A and B are sister. C and D are brothers. A is the mother of D what is the relation of B to C.
A. Mother B. Mother-in-law
C. Aunt D. Sisten-in-law
E. none    

18.  Mr. Shahid starts a journey towards north. After covering a distance of 4 km he turns left and travels 3 km more. What is the least distance Mr. Shahid hat to travel to return to the starting point?
A. 5 B. 7
C. 10 D. 2

19.  A and B are married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the brother of A. How is Y related to B.
A. Brother B. Brother-in-law
C. Father D. Father-in-law

20.  In an examination Naheed scored more than Zeeshan Ussama scored as much as Dia Rukhsar scored less than Muneer Zeeshan scored more than Ussama Muneer scored less than Dia. Who scored the lowest?
A. Naheed B. Muneer
C. Rukhsar D. Ussama
E. Dia    

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