Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

111.  In the correctly worked out problem at right what is the value of Z?
A. 2 B. 3
C. 1 D. 4

112.  What will be 147th term of the following pattern? 25 45 65 85
A. 2860 B. 3075
C. 2945 D. 2786

113.  Which of the following does not make a car.
A. Rofd B. Ragnudav
C. Teylenb D. Metoc
E. Taif    

114.  Which of the following is not a famous poet.
A. Steak B. Yornb
C. Crehuca D. Ranibas
E. Throwdows    

115.  A man combines 6 buds of cigarettes to make one cigarette to smoke. He collects 36 buds. How many cigarettes dows he smoke?
A. 6 B. 7
C. 36 D. 37
E. 5    

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