Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

101.  If I had one more sister I would have twice as many sisters as brothers. If I had one more brother I would have the same number of each. How many brothers and sisters have I.
A. 3B 2S B. 3S 2B
C. 2B 2S D. None

102.  Our teacher has come out with another puzzle for her student. It is: If three days ago was the day before Friday what day will be after tomorrow?
A. Wednesday B. Monday
C. Tuesday D. None

103.  Mr. Baig is raking his lawn. He heaps up 22 big piles of leaves in the front yard and 39 in the backyard. If we put them altogether how many piles will he has.
A. 61 B. 60
C. 1 D. None

104.  Find two numbers whose sum is 28 and difference 4.
A. 16 12 B. 13 18
C. 10 11 D. None

105.  A number increased by itself & 5 gives 17. What is the number?
A. 7 B. 6
C. 5 D. 4

106.  If + means
A. 25 B. 30
C. 45 D. 80

107.  Sameer tells Farhan about a lady She is the only daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother. What is the relationship of lady to Sameer?
A. Sister B. Ant
C. Niece D. Cousin
E. Mother    

108.  If A means - C means x D means
A. 33 B. 25
C. 28 D. 32

109.  The number of degrees through which the hour hand of a clock moves in 2 hours & 12 minutes is.
A. 66 B. 72
C. 732 D. 96
E. 108    

110.  If 1x2x3 = 231 (a) 2x3x4 = 342 (b) 3x4x5 = 453 (c) 4x5x6 = ?
A. 345 B. 564
C. 456 D. None

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