Verbal and Reasoning :: Logical Reasoning

91.  20 people for a fishing trip chartered a boat. However prior to leaving the dock a group of 10 more people expressed their desire to go along. This reduced the expense of each person in the original party by Rs. 1?. What was the charge of the use of boat?
A. Rs. 60 B. Rs. 80
C. Rs. 100 D. None

92.  Mr. Zahid had some cows and some hens. One day he decided to count them. He counted 15 heads and 50 legs. Can you figure out how many cows Mr. Zahid had?
A. 5 B. 10
C. 15 D. 20

93.  At the end of a meeting 10 people present all shake hands with each other once. How many handshakes will there be altogether.
A. 41 B. 42
C. 44 D. 45

94.  A train traveling at a speed of 40 mph enters a tunnel that is 2 miles long. The length of the train is half a mile. How long will it take for the train to pass through the tunnel from the coment the front enters to the moment the rear appears?
A. 3 minutes B. 3:30 minutes
C. 4 minutes D. 3:45 minutes

95.  Which number gives the same result when it is added to 4 as when it is multiplied by 4?
A. 1? B. 1
C. 1? D. 5

96.  A heavy trunk has been lying in Marias garden since the last weeks storm. It can be sawed into two parts in one minute. How long will it take to saw it into 12 equal parts?
A. 11 minutes B. 12 minutes
C. 5 minutes D. None

97.  A motor company in a small Town organized a car race. Five men competed in the race. There were no ties. Ali did not come in first. Nadeem was neither first nor last. Akram came in one place after Ali. Sheraz was not second. Aslam was two places behind Sheraz. How was no 1
A. Aslam B. Sheraz
C. Akram D. Ali

98.  Two trains - a passenger train and a goods train are running in the same direction on parallel railway tracks. The passenger train takes three times as long to pass the goods train. If the train maintains a uniform speed how many times faster than the goods train is the passenger train moving.
A. At same speed B. Twice as fast
C. 4 times faster D. None

99.  Can you find four consecutive numbers totaling 94?
A. 22 23 24 25 B. 20 21 22 23
C. 19 20 21 22 D. none

100.  If Shamims daughter is my sons mother if I am male what am I to Shamim?
A. Brother B. Son-in-law
C. Husband D. None

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