CSS :: Soil Science

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91.  Azospirillum fixes nitrogen mainly in:
A. Sorghum B. Cereals
C. Sugarcane D. Legumes

92.  Blue-green algae grows best in:
A. Upland rice B. Jute
C. Lowland rice D. Sorghum

93.  Bone meal is well suited for:
A. Alkaline soil B. Neutral soil
C. Acidic soils D. All of these

94.  Bray suggested certain modification in the Mischerlich equation:
A. dy/dx = (A - Y)C B. A = B (1 - Y)/Y
C. Log (A - Y) = log A - CX D. Log (A - Y) = log A - C1 b - CX

95.  Buffering capacity of soil means resistance to a change in:
A. Soil microbial activity B. Soil acidity
C. Soil pH D. Base saturation

96.  Bulk density is denoted by:
A. Weight of the given soil sample volume of the same soil sample (g/c.c.) B. Volume of the soil sample/Weight of the soil sample (g/c.c.)
C. Weight of the soil sample x 100/Volume of the soil sample (g/c.c) D. None of these

97.  By the formulae d = PW x As x D/100 we can calculate:
A. Quantity of irrigation water B. Depth of irrigation water
C. Quality of irrigation water D. None of the above

98.  Zn, Fe, Cu, B, Mn and Mo are called micronutrient, because they are:
A. Nutrients of microscopic significance B. Nutrients, which produce microscopic effects
C. Nutrients that is required in minute qualities D. Nutrients required by micro-organisms

99.  Ca Al2 Si3 O8 is the formula of:
A. Anorthite B. Illite
C. Montmorillonite D. Albite

100.  Calcite, Dolomite and Hornblends are:
A. Calcium minerals B. Potassium minerals
C. Sulphur minerals D. None of these

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