CSS :: Plant Physiology

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81.  During aerobic respiration oxidation of glucose results in the formation of:
A. CO2 and water B. Hydrogen and water
C. Hydrogen and oxygen D. Oxygen and CO2

82.  If CO2 is given off in respirtion, why does the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere remain relatively constant?
A. CO2 forms carbonate rocks B. CO2 is a buffer
C. CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates D. CO2 is split up during photosynthesis

83.  Non-essential element for the proper growth of plant is:
A. Cobalt B. Magnesium
C. Chlorine D. Calcium

84.  Fermentation is:
A. Complete oxidation of carbohydrates B. Incomplete oxidation of carbohydrate
C. Anaerobic respiration D. None of the above

85.  Exogenous application of Gibberellins induces male flowers formation on genetically female plants in:
A. Cucumis B. Cucurbita
C. Carica D. Coccinia

86.  Basic structure of all chlorophylls comprises:
A. Cytochrome system B. Flavoproteins
C. Poryhyrin system D. Plastocyanin

87.  Who proposed the concept of unit membrane for tripartite structure of lipoproteins?
A. Davson and Danielli B. Robertson
C. Seifriz D. Altmann

88.  Deficiency of iron causes:
A. Decrease in protein synthesis B. Reduced leaves and stunted growth
C. Interveinal chlorosis first on young leaves D. Bending of leaf tip

89.  The removal of apical buds and young leaves _____ branching:
A. Decreases B. Increases
C. Maintains D. No effect

90.  If a few cells of an alga spirogyra are kept in a strong solution, the cell contents contract away from the cell wall, this is due to:
A. Dehydration B. Plasmolysis
C. Hydrolysis D. Contraction

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