CSS :: Plant Physiology

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71.  Unit membrane or (Plasma membrane) is made of:
A. Cellulose B. Lipoproteins
C. Phosphorproteins D. Phospholipids

72.  Which of the following parts of a cell is non-living?
A. Centriole B. Vacuole
C. Ribosome D. Mitochondria

73.  Which of the following structures controls the transport of the material into and out of living cell?
A. Centrosome B. Cell membrane
C. Cell wall D. Ribosome

74.  Atmospheric nitrogen in the soil is fixed by:
A. Cereals B. Pulses
C. Sugarcane D. Cotton

75.  The pH gradient across the cell membrane provides a powerful form of _____ potential energy largely responsible for driving phosphorylation:
A. Chermical B. Physical
C. Electrical D. Biological

76.  ______ is obviously useful to a plant as the excitaion by an insect of one or more sensory hairs of the venus's flytrap (Dionea muscipula):
A. Chemical potential B. Action potential
C. Physical potential D. Biological potential

77.  Both respiration and photosynthesis require:
A. Chlorophyll B. Cytochromes
C. Sunlight D. Glucose

78.  The role of molybdenum is:
A. Chromosome contraction B. Carbon assimilation
C. Nitrogen fixation D. Flowering induction

79.  If a cell is placed in a solution and the cell shrinks, the solution is:
A. Clear B. Isotonic
C. Hypotonic D. Hypertonic

80.  What determines the diffusion of water accumulation of sugars?
A. CO2 accumulates, reduces pH, stimulates enzymes resulting in accumulation of sugars B. Increase in CO2 concentration, conversion of organic acids into starch resulting in the increased uptake of potassium ions and water
C. Low CO2 concentration, accumulation of organic acids resulting in the increased concentration of cell sap D. None of the above

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