CSS :: Plant Physiology

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61.  If naked pea seeds were kept in four respiratory flasks, they would germinate best if flask contains:
A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen D. Nitrogen

62.  During the photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes from:
A. Carbon dioxide B. Water
C. Both from carbon dioxide and water D. Oxygen in the air

63.  When yeast and certain bacteria carry on anaerobic respiration they produce:
A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen
C. Water D. Oxygen

64.  One of the following is a water-soluble pigment:
A. Carotene B. Chlorophyll
C. Anthocyanin D. Xanthophyll

65.  Photosynthesis is:
A. Catabolic process B. Anabolic process
C. Exothermic process D. Exergonic process

66.  Gibberellins differ from auxins since they produce:
A. Cell division B. Stem elongation
C. Root Initiation D. Shortening of internodes

67.  Sialic acid is a constituent of:
A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall
C. Chromosomes D. Dictyosomes

68.  Which pair of structures is usually found in both plant and animal cell:
A. Cell membrane and nucleolus B. Cell membrance and cell wall
C. Nucleus and chloroplast D. Nucleolus and cell wall

69.  Plant cells do not burst in distilled water because:
A. Cell wall is permeable B. Cell wall is living
C. Cell wall is elastic, rigid and get stretched D. Cell wall is outer most layer of plant cell

70.  Transpiration is minimized by the deposition of:
A. Cellulose B. Pectin
C. Cutin D. Mucilage

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