CSS :: Plant Physiology

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51.  In both transpirtions and evaporation water is lost in the form of vapour yet they differ because:
A. Both transpiration and evaporation are similar but the rate of water loss differs B. Frequency of water loss is different in both of them
C. Transpiration is a physical process and evaporation is physiological process D. Transpiration is a physiological process and evaporation is physical process

52.  In land plants the gaseous exchange takes place through the open stomata, in submerged hydrophytes it takes place/through:
A. By general surface of the cells by diffusion B. Lenticels
C. Stomata D. Hydathodes

53.  Which is a micronutrient?
A. Ca B. Zn
C. P D. Mg

54.  Which of the following is a micronutrient?
A. Calcium B. Phosphorous
C. Copper D. Magnesium

55.  A trace element essential for plant grwoth and radio-isotope which is used in cancer therapy is known is:
A. Calcium B. Cobalt
C. Sodium D. Iron

56.  CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis; the chemical used to remove this gas most effectively from entering a control apparatus is:
A. Calcium oxide B. Distilled water
C. Sodium carbonate D. Potassium hydroxide solution

57.  Position and frequency of stomata can be determined by:
A. Calculating the loss of water B. Cobalt chloride paper method
C. Potometer D. Porometer

58.  Which of the following effects of auxins on plants is the basis for commercial application?
A. Callus formation B. Curvature of stem
C. Industion of root formation in stem cuttings D. All of the above

59.  Chemical phase in photosynthesis was discovered for the first time by:
A. Calvin B. Blackman
C. Hill D. Arnon

60.  Carbon becomes available to crop plants in the form of:
A. Carbon dioxide B. Element carbon (coal)
C. Amino acids D. Carbonates

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