CSS :: Plant Physiology

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41.  In 1948, V.S. Chardakov who devised a simple and efficient method to determine the test solution in which no change in concentration occurs was:
A. Austrian Scientist B. American Scientist
C. Bulgarian Scientist D. Russian Scientist

42.  The ultra-structure of cell can be best studied by:
A. Autoradiography B. X-ray diffraction method
C. Phase contrast microscope D. None of these

43.  An apparatus for measuring transpiration in plants is called:
A. Auxanometer B. Potometer
C. Hygrometer D. Lactometer

44.  In unisexual plants sex can be changed by application of:
A. Auxins B. ABA
C. Ethanol D. Cytokinins

45.  A free-living anaerobic bacterium capable of N2 fixation in soil is:
A. Azotobacter B. Streptococcus
C. Clostridium D. Rhizobium

46.  Except which one, all other processes help in adding nitrogen to soil:
A. Bacterial decay of animal remains B. Electric lightning
C. Addition of lime in soil D. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

47.  Which of the following plants cannot fix atmosphere nitrogen directly?
A. Bean B. Castor
C. Pea D. Gram

48.  Whose technique is employed for the extraction and elimination of hormones?
A. Buck B. Beer
C. Garner D. Allard

49.  A natural growth regulator (hormone) is:
A. Benzaldehyde B. 2, 4-D
C. N.A.A. D. Ethylene

50.  The action of ethylene is effectively inhibited by ______ ion.
A. Boron B. Manganese
C. Zinc D. Silver

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