CSS :: Plant Physiology

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301.  Which of the following element is involved in nitrogen metabolism in reduction of nitrates?
A. Zinc B. Molybdenum
C. Boron D. Manganese

302.  Which of the following elements is involved in nitrogen metabolism in reduction of nitrates?
A. Zinc B. Molybdenum
C. Boron D. Manganese

303.  Cellulosic cell wall can be specifically stained by:
A. Zinc chloride B. Phloroglucinol
C. Methylene blue D. Sudan IV

304.  One of the following is needed in the reduction of nitrate to nitrite:
A. Zn B. Mo
C. Fe D. B

305.  Pigment system is concerned with:
A. Photolysis of water B. Reduction of CO2
C. Flowering D. None of these

306.  The researches on photosynthesis started:
A. In the 17th century B. In the 18th century
C. In the 19th century D. In the early 20th century

307.  Respiration is:
A. Exothermic process B. Endothermic process
C. Endergonic process D. Anabolic process

308.  Which of the following is the source of respiration?
A. Stored food B. RNA

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