CSS :: Plant Physiology

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281.  Which one is the precursor of chlorophyll?
A. Tryptophan B. Protochlorophyll or chlorophyllides
C. Bacteriochlorophyll D. Bacterioviridin

282.  Water, which is an essential part of protoplasm, may constitute:
A. Up to a quarter of it B. Up to a half of it
C. Up to three quarters of it D. More than three quarters of it

283.  Which of the following leaves would dry up last?
A. Upper surface greased B. Lower surface greased
C. Both surface greased D. Both surface ungreased

284.  One of the following is sulphur containing amino add:
A. Valine B. Methionine
C. Tryptophan D. Phenylalanine

285.  In which of the following plants would metabolism be hindered if the leaves were coated with wax on their upper surface?
A. Valliseneria B. Pista
C. Lotus D. Hydrilla

286.  Enzymes are basically:
A. Vitamins B. Fats
C. Protein D. Carbon

287.  The acutal pressure with which water enters into the cell is called:
A. W.P B. O.P
C. D.P.D D. Diffusion

288.  The normal form of a plant is maintained by the presence of:
A. Water B. Gases
C. Solid D. None of these

289.  The incomplete breakdown of sugar in anaerobic respiration result in the formation of:
A. Water and carbon dioxide B. Alcohol and carbon dioxide
C. Fructose and water D. Glucose and carbon dioxide

290.  If cell A with OP = 5 and TP - 4 is surrounded by the cells with OP = 3 and TP = 1 what will be direction of water movement?
A. Water will not move up B. Water will move up
C. From cell A to other cells D. From other cells to cell A

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