CSS :: Plant Physiology

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261.  Mg for Fe are needed by plants for:
A. Synthesis of chlorophyll B. Energy transfer
C. Translocation of carbohydrates D. Stomatal opening

262.  Brassins, recently discovered steroid growth promoters were first isolated from pollen grains of rape plants, but now known to be present in ______ also:
A. Tea B. Bean
C. Rice D. In all of these

263.  Which one of the following is most limiting factor for nitrification in the soil?
A. Temperature B. Tillage
C. Soil reaction (pH) D. Moisture

264.  The attraction of like molecules for each other (because of hydrogen bonds) is called:
A. Tension B. Adhesion
C. Cohesion D. None of these

265.  A trace element is:
A. That which draws other elements out of protoplasm B. Radoactive can be traced by Geiger counter
C. Required in very minute amounts D. That which was first found in protoplasm

266.  Tick-out the correct statement:
A. The cell wall is permeable B. The cell wall is semi-permeable
C. The cell wall is an impermeable membrane D. The cell wall does not react to the permeability

267.  In an experiment a plant is dried, placed in a crucible and strongly heated air for a long time. The residue is composed of:
A. The oxides or carbonates of about ten element B. Carbon
C. Starch D. The oxide and carbonates of three elements

268.  If CO2 content of the atmosphere is as high as 300 part per million:
A. The plant would not grow properly B. The plants would thrive well
C. All plant would be killed D. Plants would grow for some time and then die

269.  Which among the following is the most appropriate reason for storing green coloured apples at low temperatures:
A. The rate of photosynthesis is reduced B. The rate of respiration is reduced
C. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration are reduced D. Respiration and photosynthesis are completely inhibited

270.  In many plants the changes over from vegetative to reproductive phase take place in response to:
A. The severity of temperature B. The length of the day
C. The oxygen present in the air D. Mainly the food material available in the soil

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