CSS :: Plant Physiology

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241.  Instantaneous source of energy is:
A. Amino acid B. Fats
C. Glucose D. Proteins

242.  Phytochrome is used in:
A. Seed germination only B. Transpiration only
C. Flowering only D. All physiological processes exhibited by the plants such as seed germination, flowering stem elongation and transpiration

243.  Chlorosis occur in plants growth in:
A. Shade B. Iron free medium
C. Dark D. Strong light

244.  In the mechanism of opening of stomata the important factor is the:
A. Shape of the guard cells B. Chlorophyll content of the cells
C. Hormone content of the cells D. Protein content of the cells

245.  Under which conditions the transpiration rate will be maximum?
A. Soil is wet and atmosphere is dry B. Soil is dry and atmosphere is humid
C. Soil is wet rind atmosphere is humid D. Soil is dry and atmosphere is dry

246.  Ethylene is a:
A. Solid hormone B. Gaseous enzyme
C. Gaseous hormone D. Liquid gas mixture

247.  One of the following is present outside the plasma membrane but inside the cell wall:
A. Spherosome B. Peroxisome
C. Lomasome D. Golgi body

248.  All the membrane bounded cell organelles except:
A. Spherosomes B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes D. Lysosomes

249.  The first visible product of photosynthesis is:
A. Starch B. Glucose
C. Fructose D. Sucrose

250.  Plants synthesis protein from:
A. Starch B. Sugar
C. Amino acids D. Fatty acids

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