CSS :: Plant Physiology

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221.  Which level of protein structure is affected by DNA (or for which level of protein structure DNA carries information)?
A. Primary structure B. Secondary structure
C. Tertiary structure D. Quarternary structure

222.  Chlorophyll 'b' is present in:
A. Prokaryotes B. Eukaryotes
C. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes D. Bacteria

223.  Supra-optimal concentration of auxins:
A. Promote flowering B. Kills the plants
C. Prevents shortening of the internodes D. Promotes growth in both stem and root apex

224.  Cell membrane consist of:
A. Protein B. Phospholipids
C. Both Phospholipids and proteins D. Cellulose

225.  In anaerobic respiration the end product is:
A. Pyruvic acid B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Starch D. Sugar

226.  Chloroplast contains maximum quantity of:
A. Pyruvic carboxylase B. Hexokinase
C. RUDP carboxylase D. None of the above

227.  Which of the following are photosynthetic units?
A. Quantasomes B. Oxysomes
C. Phycobilinosome D. F1 particles

228.  Which of the following are short day plants?
A. Radish B. Maize
C. Soyabean D. Sugar beet

229.  Auxim promote growth:
A. Rarely B. Always
C. Mostly D. Never

230.  Potometer is used to measure:
A. Rate of respiration B. Rate of transpiration
C. Growth D. Osmosis

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