CSS :: Plant Physiology

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201.  Before opening of stomata, accumulation of one of the ion is guard cell:
A. P B. K
C. Mg D. Na

202.  In nature, the main organisms, which take part in nitrogen cycle, are:
A. Parasitic fungi B. Legume plants
C. Bacteria plants D. Saprophytic flowering

203.  In terms of permeability the cell wall and plasmalemma are:
A. Permeable and differentially permeable B. Both differentially permeable
C. Both semi-permeable D. Semi-permeable and differentially permeable

204.  Water potential concept was formulated by:
A. Peter Ray, 1960 B. M.H. Mathew, 1954
C. Otto Renner, 1915 D. W.C. Hoffer, 1920

205.  One of the following is a precursor of auxin:
A. Phenylalanine B. Methionine
C. Tryptophan D. Cyctosine

206.  Gibberellins were first discovered in ______ in studies with diseased rice plants that grew excessively tall:
A. Philippines B. Thailand
C. China D. Japan

207.  Minerals absorbed by roots move to the leaf through:
A. Phloem B. Sleve rube
C. Xylem D. None of the above

208.  According to the mosaic model (proposed by Singer and Nicholoson) plasma membrance is composed of:
A. Phospholipids and integrate proteins B. Phospholipids, extrinsic proteins, intrinsic proteins
C. Phospholopids and hemicellulose D. Cellulose and hemicellulose

209.  Commonest free ion in the cell is of:
A. Phosphorous B. Potassium
C. Iron D. Sulphur

210.  Two chief functions of leaves are:
A. Photosynthesis and respiration B. Photosynthesis and transpiration
C. Transpiration and respiration D. Respiration and digestion

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