CSS :: Plant Physiology

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191.  ABA has the following effects depending upon the tissue involved:
A. On plasma membrance of roots B. Inhibition of RNA-synthesis (transcription)
C. Inhibition of protein synthesis (translocation) D. All of these

192.  Chlorophyll is present:
A. On the surface of chloroplasts B. In the stroma of chloroplasts
C. In the grana of chloroplasts D. Dispersed throughout the chloroplasts

193.  When a cell is fully turgid its:
A. OP = Zero B. DPD = OP
C. DPD = Zero D. SP = TP

194.  DPD is equal to:
A. OP x TP B. OP - TP
C. TP - OP D. OP + TP

195.  Seeds swell when placed in water due to:
A. Osmosis B. Imbibitions
C. Hydrolysis D. Plasmolysis

196.  The loss of water in the form of vapour from aerial plant parts is known as:
A. Osmosis B. Respiration
C. Photosynthesis D. Transpiration

197.  Seeds when soaked in water imbibe it because of:
A. Osmotic pressure inside the seed is low B. Seed coat contains lot of salts
C. The process of absorption works D. There are many vacuoles in the endosperm

198.  When a cell is fully turgid, which of the following will be zero?
A. Osmotic pressure B. Turgor pressure
C. Wall pressure D. Suction pressure (D.P.D)

199.  Stomata open because of:
A. Oxygen in the air B. Increased turgidity of the guard cells brought about by exposure to light
C. Vacuoles in guard cells D. All the above

200.  In anaerobic respiration in plants:
A. Oxygen is taken in B. Oxygen is given out
C. Carbon dioxide is given out D. Carbon-dioxide is taken in

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