CSS :: Plant Physiology

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11.  The atmosphere has less carbon than other reservoirs but, it still contains about 700 billion tones and roughly percent is annually used in photosynthesis:
A. 5 B. 7.5
C. 10 D. 12.5

12.  H+ tons in thylaoid channels arise from oxidation of H2O and PQH2 cause H+ ions concentration in channels becomes; about ______ times as great as in the stroma when photosynthesis occurs:
A. 500 B. 750
C. 1000 D. 1250

13.  The total thickness of unit membrane fall in the range of:
A. 7 - 10 B. 70 - 100
C. 700 - 1000 D. 7,000 - 10,000

14.  The following percentage of water absorbed by herbaceous plants is lost in transpiration:
A. 80 B. 60
C. 99 D. 40

15.  At equilibrium, the vapour density or pressure about pure water in a closed container is:
A. 85% B. 98%
C. 95% D. 100%

16.  In water molecule, line-segments connecting the centres of the two hydrogen atoms with the centre of oxygen atoms form an angle of about:
A. 85 B. 95
C. 105 D. 115

17.  A maize plant to produce one kg of grain (dry) transpires _____ kg of water:
A. 900 B. 800
C. 700 D. 600

18.  Prokaryota means:
A. A cell with many nuclei B. A cell without chloroplast
C. A cell with diffused nucleus D. A cell with one nucleus

19.  Which one of the following factors causes an increase in transpiration rate?
A. A hot dry windy day B. A cool damp windy day
C. A hot damp windy day D. None of the above

20.  Wilting of plant results from excessive:
A. Absorption B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration D. Transpiration

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