CSS :: Plant Physiology

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181.  Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of:
A. Nitrate B. Nitrogen gas
C. Nitrogen dioxide D. All of the above

182.  The production of nitrates from Ammonia through Nitrosomonas is called:
A. Nitrification B. Ammonification
C. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification

183.  The element, which is required in largest quantities by plant of water?
A. Nitrogen B. Calcium
C. Sulphur D. Phosphorous

184.  One the following micronutrient for plants:
A. Nitrogen B. Manganese
C. Phosphorous D. Calcium

185.  Bacteria that change proteins to ammonia in nitrogen cycle are:
A. Nitrogen fixing bacteria B. Nitrate bacteria
C. Decay bacteria (ammonifying bacteria) D. Denitrifying becteria

186.  Bacterioids are:
A. Nitrosomonars bacteria in soil B. A mobile bacterium
C. A bacterial cell infected with viruses D. Enlarged non-mobile cellular bacteria-Rhizobium legumino-sarum in root nodules of legumes

187.  Double membrane is absent in:
A. Nucleus B. Lysosomes
C. Mitochondria D. Chloroplast

188.  Chloroplasts fix:
A. O2 B. H
C. CO2 D. N2

189.  Increase in temperature and velocity of wind cause an increase in transpiration initially but later it slows down because:
A. Of closure of stomata B. Water is not made available
C. The air around the plant becomes humid D. Of mechanical disturbances

190.  Etherel (trade name) of ethephone (common name) is used in various aspects of:
A. Olericulture B. Aquaculture
C. Horticulture D. Apiculture

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