CSS :: Plant Physiology

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161.  Which one of the following elements is not required by plants for their normal healthy growth?
A. Magnesium B. Lead
C. Iron D. Calcium

162.  The framework elements of plants are:
A. Magnesium, Copper and Iron B. Copper, Carbon and Iron
C. Copper, Carbon and Oxygen D. Manganese, Calcium and nitrogen

163.  Fertilizers have formula consisting of three figures such as 8-10-10. These figures stand for percentage of:
A. Magnesium, iron, potassium B. Calcium, iron, born
C. Nitrogen, phosphorous, Potassium D. Magnesium, manganese, sulphur

164.  Anaerobic respiration was first of all reported by:
A. Maguenne B. Kostychev
C. Klein D. Pfeffer

165.  The provision of light of shorter wavelength at the same time, as longer red wavelength photosynthesis.
A. Maintains B. Enhances
C. Reduces D. No efect

166.  Probably the most useful measurable property in the soil-plnt-air system is:
A. Matric poterntal B. Water potential
C. Osmotic potential D. Redox potential

167.  Every living cell has a:
A. Membrane B. Food vacuole
C. Chloroplast D. Cell wall

168.  Cytochrome oxidase contains:
A. Mg B. Fe
C. Hg D. Co

169.  The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were published in this book:
A. Micrographia B. Origin of species
C. Plank kingdom D. Genera plantarum

170.  Proteins are synthesized on:
A. Mitochondria B. Centrosome
C. Golgi bodies D. Ribosomes

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