CSS :: Plant Physiology

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151.  Oxygen evolved in photosynthesis is:
A. Less than CO2 consumed B. More than CO2 consumed
C. Equal to CO2 consumed D. None of these

152.  The dry weight of a green leaf will be:
A. Lesser in evening B. Greater in the afternoon
C. Greater in morning D. Almost same throughout the whole day

153.  Etiolated plants are formed due to lack of:
A. Light B. Hg
C. Fe D. Mg

154.  For photosynthesis (i.e. for the synthesis of organic matter) the green plants need only:
A. Light B. Chlorophyll
C. CO2 and water D. All of these

155.  Growth is primarily affected by two climatic factors, which are:
A. Light and temperature B. Temperature and relative humidity
C. Light and wind D. Rainfall and temperature

156.  For the purpose of photosynthesis all except one of the following items are essential, point out the exception:
A. Light, chlorophyLL B. Oxygen, sucrose
C. CO2, optimum temperature D. Water, minerals

157.  One of the following is not found in intact cells:
A. Lomasomes B. Dictyosomes
C. Microsomes D. Ribosomes

158.  A plant, which needs not less than 10 hours of light to flower, is:
A. Long day plant B. Short day plant
C. Day neutral plant D. None of these

159.  If cells are broken up and sedimented by centrifugation the new structure formed in one of the fractions is:
A. Lysosome B. Ribosome
C. Mecrosome D. Centrosome

160.  Which of the following element is concerned with the photolysis of water?
A. Magnesium B. Manganese
C. Calcium D. Zinc

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