CSS :: Plant Physiology

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131.  When a seed is placed in a suitable medium for germination, by which of the following first process water enter into the seed coat?
A. Imbibition B. Absorption
C. Osmosis D. Root pressure

132.  Plasma membrane is:
A. Impermeable B. A selective barrier
C. A non-selective barrier D. Made of up cellulose

133.  The efforts to enhance partition of assimilates to storage organs of interest to farmers have quite successful due to:
A. Improved component technology B. Improved control of insect
C. Better disease control D. Better breeding techniques

134.  Gibberellic acid has been successfully employed to induce flowering:
A. In long day points under short day conditions B. In short day plants under long day conditions
C. For some plants D. None of the above

135.  The prokaryota are a group of organisms:
A. In which cells are a group of organisms B. In which nuclear membrance, nucleolus and chromosomal matrix are lacking
C. In which chlorophyll is lacking D. With a wall defined nucleus

136.  Which one of the following will reduce the rate of transpiration?
A. Increase in windy velocity B. Rise in temperature
C. Increase in water uptake by plants D. Decrease in light intensity

137.  The total volume of water on melting:
A. Increases B. Remains constant
C. Decreases D. None of these

138.  Gibberellins are now commercially used ______ into increase sugarcane growth and sugar yields:
A. Pakistan B. Hawaii
C. Japan D. Korea

139.  It hypothetical chemical involved in the flowering of plant is:
A. Indole acetic acid B. Florigen
C. Gibberellin D. Kinetin

140.  Anaerobic respiration is also known as:
A. Intra-molecular respirtion B. Inter-molecular respiration
C. Extra-molecular respiration D. Molecular respirtion

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