CSS :: Plant Physiology

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121.  Plants hormone, which is translocated to other parts for growth of the plant as:
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinin
C. Indole acetic acid D. None of the above

122.  Which of the following is capable of delaying yellowing of leaves?
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins
C. ABA D. Auxins

123.  Which of the following is an essential part of photosynthesis?
A. Glycolysis B. Photorespiration
C. Plasmolysis D. Photolysis

124.  Hydroponics is:
A. Growing of plants in water culture B. Growing of aquatic plants
C. Growing of floating aquatic plants D. Soil less cultivation of plants

125.  The end product of fermentation is:
A. H2O and CO2 B. C2H5OH and CO2
C. CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates D. Pyruvic acid and H2O

126.  Most plants obtain their nitrogen from the soil in the form of:
A. HNO3 B. Nitrate
C. Free nitrogen D. Nitrogen oxide

127.  The optically hyaline portion of the protoplasm is called as:
A. Hyaloplasm B. Cytoplasm
C. Mesoplasm D. Endoplasm

128.  Which of the following elements can land plants, normally obtain directly from the air?
A. Hydrogen B. Phosphorus
C. Nitrogen D. Carbon

129.  Which of the following is not naturally occurring plant hormone?
C. 2, 4-D D. Gibberallins

130.  One of the following causes rootings in cuttings:
A. IBA B. 2, 4-D

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