CSS :: Plant Physiology

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111.  Stomata are bound by a pair of guard cells and open guard cells are:
A. Flaccid B. Large
C. Turgid D. Green

112.  Osmosis means:
A. Flow of solute from low concentration to higher concentration B. Flow of solute from high concentration to low concentration
C. Flow of solvent from low concentration to high concentration D. Flow of solvent from high concentration to low concentration

113.  When the dark period of shoft day plant is interrupted by a brief exposure of light then the plant:
A. Flowers immediately B. Turns into a long day plant
C. Will not flower at all D. Gives more flowers

114.  Out of the following, which one is the most common type of transpiration?
A. Foliar B. Stomatal
C. Lenticular D. Cuticular

115.  The rate of transpiration will greatly depend upon:
A. Frequency of stomata B. Position of stomata
C. State of stomata D. None of the above

116.  Photochemical reactions of photosynthesis take place in:
A. Frets B. Stroma
C. Thylakoids D. All of these

117.  If fermentation is allowed to proceed in a closed vessel:
A. Gas pressure will develop because of excess of oxygen B. Gas pressure will develop because of excess of carbon dioxide
C. Vacuum will be created D. No change will take place

118.  In submerged leaves respiration takes place through:
A. General surface of the leaf B. Stomata present on dorsal surface of the leaf
C. Stomata present on ventral surface of leaf D. Stomata present on both surfaces of the leaf

119.  Cytoklnins were first discovered in 1913 by Gottlieb Haberlandt in:
A. Germany B. Holland
C. Poland D. Austria

120.  Which of the following is indispensable in cell culture?
A. Gibberellins B. Kinetin
C. Ethylene D. Auxin

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