CSS :: Plant Physiology

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101.  Plasmagel is the name of:
A. Ectoplasm B. Endoplasm
C. Protoplasm D. None of these

102.  The isolation of individual organelle from cell homogenates is achieved through:
A. Employment of different solvents B. X-ray diffraction
C. Chromatography D. Differential centrifugation

103.  Excessive use of fertilizer causes death of plants due to:
A. Endosmosis B. Exosmosis
C. Imbibitions D. Turgidity

104.  Swilling of wooden door during rainy season is due to:
A. Endosmosis B. Imbibitions
C. Capillary D. Deplasmolysis

105.  In fermentation:
A. Energy is liberated B. Energy is consumed
C. Energy is neither liberated nor consumed D. Energy is stored

106.  Ethylene especially in tomato plants has the following effects:
A. Enhances stem elongation B. Reduces radial expansion
C. Retards formation of adventitious roots D. Causes leaf senescence

107.  The condition under which transpiration would be lowest
A. Environmental conditions are very dry B. When there is high humidity in the atmosphere
C. High wind velocity D. There is excess of water in the cells

108.  The nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm are continuous with one another through the nuclear pores in:
A. Eukaryotic cells B. Prokaryotic cells
C. Cells of blue green algae D. Bacteria

109.  The conditions under which transpiration would be most rapid is:
A. Excess of water in soil B. Low humidity, high temperature guard cells are turgid and moist soil
C. Low velocity of wind D. High humidity

110.  Nitrogen is essential component of:
A. Fat B. Protein
C. Carbohydrates D. Mg

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