CSS :: Plant Physiology

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91.  Non-living substances of the protoplasm are collectively known as:
A. Deutoplasm B. Plasmagel
C. Mesoplasm D. Cytoplasm

92.  D.P.D. stands for:
A. Diffusion pressure deficit B. Diffusion pressure deficit
C. Daily phosphate demand D. Daily photosynthetic depression

93.  The real force causing entry of water into a cell from other cell is:
A. Diffusion pressure deficit B. Turgor pressure
C. Osmotic pressure D. Wall pressure

94.  Turgidity of a cell is maintained by:
A. Diffusion pressure B. Wall pressure
C. Osmotic pressure D. Turgor pressure

95.  Mineral salts, which are absorbed by the roots for the soil, are in the form of:
A. Dilute solution B. Very concentrated solution
C. Concentrated solution D. Very dilute solution

96.  The correct sequence in protein synthesis is:
A. DNA ? Amino acids ? RNA ? Proteins B. DNA ? RNA ? Amino acids ? Proteins
C. Amino acid ? DNA ? RNA ? Proteins D. RNA ? DNA ? Amino acids ? Proteins

97.  Aerobic respiration is more advantageous to a large organism than anaerobic respiration because aerobic respiration:
A. Does not require sunlight B. Produce oxygen as a waste product
C. Does not require molecules oxygen and hydrogen D. Releases more energy from an equal amount of nutrients

98.  In a fully turgid cell the values (arbitrary values are shown) of DPD. OP and TP will show the tendency:
A. OPD 02 atm; OP 07 atm; TP 05 atm B. DPD 00 atm; OP 15;TP 05 atm
C. DPD 10 atm; OP 15 atm;TP 05 atm D. DPD 05 atm;OP 12 atm; TP 07 atm

99.  Light harvesting complexes surrounded by both photosystems (I and II) and _____ light energy to them.
A. Draw B. Accumulate
C. Transfer D. None of these

100.  Functions and vital activities of the plants are studied under:
A. Ecology B. Cytology
C. Physiology D. Morphology

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