CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
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  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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81.  Application of gypsum is required more for:
A. Paddy B. Berseem
C. Lucerne D. Groundnut

82.  Application of potash increases:
A. Disease resistance in plants B. Resistance for water logging
C. Frost resistance in plants D. None of the above

83.  Approximately what percent of all light absorbed by a leaf is lost as heat?
A. 50 to 60 B. 60 to 70
C. 80 to 85 D. 90 to 95

84.  Arachis hyposea L. is the botanical name of:
A. Soyabean B. Rapeseed
C. Groundnut D. Sugarbeet

85.  Which one of the following is dioecious plant?
A. Peach B. Pomegranate
C. Pea D. Pointed gourd

86.  Which one of the following is complex fertilizer?

87.  Which one of the following is an Audio-Visual Aid?
A. Flannel Graph B. Photograph
C. Transparent slide D. Motion picture

88.  Arrowing is known as:
A. Tillering of sugarcane B. Emergence of inflorescence in sugarcane
C. Arrow like shape of sugarcane leaf D. None of the above

89.  Artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of crop production is called:
A. Drip irrigation B. Flow irrigation
C. Irrigation D. None of the above

90.  As an examples of a synthetic culture medium may be cited:
A. Potato Dextrose Agar B. Malt Agar
C. Heart Infusion Broth D. Rachard Agar

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