CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
521.  Pyrilla belongs to the family:
A. Pyralididae B. Fulgoridae
C. Jassidae D. Pentatomidae

522.  Quality muskmelon fruits are produced under:
A. Humid and dry climate B. Dry and hot climate
C. Cool and humid climate D. Temperate climate

523.  Quantasomes are present in the:
A. Chloroplast B. Nucleus
C. Mitochondria D. Phytochromes

524.  Quartz is the principal component of:
A. Quinine B. Granite
C. Felspar D. Hornblend

525.  Radio mass medium is characterised by:
A. One way with immediate feedback B. One way without instant audience-response
C. One way and colourful D. One way and timeless

526.  Which of the following cost is substracted from Gross Income ((G.I.) to get the value of Family Labour income?
A. Cost A1 B. Cost A2
C. Cost B D. Cost C

527.  Rancidity in sunflower oil is caused by:
A. Reduction B. Oxidation
C. Esterification D. Nitrification

528.  Which of the following concentrates contains maximum amount of digestible nutrients?
A. Jowar B. Barley
C. Maize D. Guar

529.  Raspherry, chrysanthemum and garbera are vegetatively propagated by:
A. Runners B. Suckers
C. Layers D. None of above

530.  Red hairy caterpillar is:
A. Polyphagous B. Monophagous
C. Oligophagous D. Saprophyte

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