CSS :: General Agriculture

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511.  Puccinia recondita causes:
A. Leaf rust of wheat B. Stem rust of wheat
C. Yellow rust of wheat D. Rust of pea

512.  Punccinia triticina is causal organism of:
A. Lef rust of wheat B. Stem rust of wheat
C. Brown rust of wheat D. None of them

513.  Pungency in radish is due to:
A. Sinigrin B. Allylpropyle disulphide
C. Capsaicin D. Momordin

514.  Pure line may be defined as the progeny of:
A. Any individual B. A homozygous individual
C. A self-fertilized individual D. A homozygous and self-fertilized individual

515.  Pure seed in foundation and certified seed must be:
A. 90% B. 95%
C. 100% D. 98%

516.  Purpose of Extension evaluation is:
A. To identify the weak points B. To identify the strong points
C. To identify the gaps and errors D. To edentify
E. All of the above    

517.  Which of the following factors affects the dormancy of seed?
A. Seed coat impermeable to water B. Mechanical resistance of seed coats
C. Seed coat impermeable to oxygen D. All of the above

518.  Which of the following disease is caused by mycoplasma-like-organisms?
A. Papaya ring spot B. Banana bunchy top
C. Tobacco leaf curl D. Brinjal little leaf

519.  Which of the following crops requires more amount of water to grow?
A. Maize B. Paddy
C. Potato D. Banana

520.  Pyricularia oryzae is the causal organisms of:
A. Blast of paddy B. Stripe disease of barley
C. Ear cockle of wheat D. Bacterial blight of paddy

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