CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
501.  Price, which necessarily covers the variable cost and fixed price is the:
A. Long-run price B. Short-run price
C. Market-price D. Equilibrium price

502.  Which of the following is a cross breed of sheep:
A. Kutchi B. Nilgiri
C. Nellore D. Marwari

503.  Primary source of nitrogen for plants is:
A. Soil B. Water
C. Air D. Manures and fertilizers

504.  Principle of Equi-Marginal Return is applied when:
A. The resources are unlimited B. The price of resources is high
C. The prices of resources vary D. The resources are limited

505.  Principle of Extension education is:
A. Learning by hearing B. Learning by seeing
C. Learning by reading D. Learning by doing

506.  Which of the following intercropping system has synergistic effect on component crop?
A. Autumn planted Sugarcane + Mustard B. Autumn planted Sugarcane + Chick pea
C. Autumn planted Sugarcane + Wheat D. Autumn planted Sugarcane + Potato

507.  Production of foundation seed is the responsibility of:
A. Breeder B. NSC
C. Farmer D. Agricultural University

508.  Profit is due to:
A. Not to risk taking B. Uncertainly bearing
C. Higher prices D. Large supply

509.  Protein portion of an enzyme responsible for specificity is known as:
A. Enzyme B. Apoenzyme
C. Coenzyme D. Exoenzyme

510.  Which of the following fruit is not suitable for jam making?
A. Mango B. Banana
C. Aonla D. Lemon

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