CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
481.  Which of the following is connected with Ascomycotina?
A. Clamp connection B. Cleistothecium
C. Zygospore D. Sporangium

482.  Plant food manufactured by the process of photosynthesis in the presence of a nutrient in chlorophyll is:
A. Calcium B. Magnesium
C. Iron D. Boron

483.  Plant Quarantine is included in which of the following nematode control methods:
A. Physical method B. Cultural method
C. Regulatory method D. Biological method

484.  Planting of succeeding crop before the harvest of the standing crop is known as:
A. Alley cropping B. Inter cropping
C. Relay cropping D. Mixed cropping

485.  Plants adopted to saline habitate are called:
A. Xerophytes B. Hydrophytes
C. Mesophytes D. Halophytes

486.  Plants affected by seed born disease in certified seed production field must not be more than:
A. 1.50% B. 1.00%
C. 0.50% D. 2%

487.  Plants that utilize primarily RuBP to fix CO2, which results in the formation of the three-carbon compound 3-PGA, are called:
A. C3 plants B. C4 plants
C. CAM plants D. All of the above

488.  Plot design when varieties are arranged in the same order in every replication is known as:
A. Systematic arrangement B. Randomized arrangement
C. Latin squares D. None of the above

489.  Plum moth is a pest of:
A. Black gram B. Potato
C. Tomato D. All of them

490.  Plunger pump is used for spraying:
A. Low volume B. Medium volume
C. High volume D. All of them

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