CSS :: General Agriculture

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  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
451.  One of the best edible species mushrooms under cultivation is:
A. Sahiwal B. Kasur
C. Jhang D. Lahore

452.  One of the edible species mushrooms under cultivation is:
A. Valvaria volvacea B. Amani a maesaria
C. Armillariella mellea D. Amanita phalloides

453.  One of the important fixed costs on a farm is:
A. Seed cost B. Land rent
C. Irrigation cost D. Feed cost

454.  One of the most effective herbicide used in cultivation of C4 crop plants
A. Butachlor B. Atrazin
C. Basalin D. 2, 4-D

455.  Onion is used for medicinal value for:
A. Sunstroke B. Diabetes
C. Stomachache D. None of the above

456.  Which of the following is example of photoperiodic responses exhibited by plants?
A. Flowering B. Seed germination
C. Leaf abscission D. All of the above

457.  Opaque-2 maize composites are richer as compared to normal maize in:
A. Tryptophan B. Lysine
C. Tryptophan and Lysine D. Protein

458.  Organic catalysts in the animates are called as:
A. Vitamins B. Hormones
C. Enzymes D. Regulators

459.  P content in DAP is:
A. 20% B. 36%
C. 46% D. 50%

460.  Parasitic flowering plant Mistletoe belongs to family:
A. Convolvulaceae B. Loranthaceae
C. Orobanchaceae D. Scroiphularaceae

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