CSS :: General Agriculture

For students in search of

  • Hydroponic Gardening
  • Guides - Basics to Experts level
  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
  • Practical daily questions or queries of hydroponics lovers
  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
421.  Multiple effects of a gene are called:
A. Pleiotropy B. Multiple
C. Crossing over D. Polygenic effects

422.  Muriate of potash is chemically known as:
C. KNO3 D. K2O

423.  Mustard sawfly belongs to family:
A. Trypetidae B. Tenthridinidae
C. Curculionidae D. Termitidae

424.  Mycorrhiza makes _______ available to plants:
A. Nitrogen B. Potassium
C. Zinc D. Phosphorus

425.  Which of the following is lowest in total digestible nutrients content?
A. Barley B. Bajra
C. Jowar D. Oats

426.  Name the objective of training and pruning of plants:
A. To control the direction of growth B. To improve quality of product
C. To develop a strong frame work D. All of the above

427.  Which of the following is low volume sprayer?
A. Gear type rotary pump B. Roller vane rotary pump
C. Plunger pump D. All of the above

428.  Name the pultry bird used for broiler purposes:
A. Australorp B. White Leghorn
C. Plymoth rock D. Minorca

429.  Neem cake is used to increase the efficiency of urea by:
A. Reducing leaching and denitrification losses B. Reducing leching losses only
C. Reducing denitrification losses only D. Reducing ammonia volatilization

430.  Neem seed kernel extract act as:
A. Attractant B. Repellent
C. Deterant D. Antifeedant

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